Pittsburgh Photographers and Social Media Marketing

Pittsburgh Photographers and Social Media Marketing

Pittsburgh Photographers Shooting with the iPhone

Pittsburgh Photographers and Social Media Marketing

We Pittsburgh Photographers are finally coming around to understanding the need for social media marketing. Photographers, as a whole, have never been really great marketers.  Sure there are exceptions, but in general, we’re usually more concerned with investing with the latest in techno toys, new lights, or whatever.  Few of us spend the time and money to market themselves properly, but now, with social media being as check and easy as it is, there’s really not much excuse anymore.

What social media marketing should Pittsburgh Photographers be involved in?

As far as I’m concerned, there are several social media efforts worth pursuing: Blogging, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Tumblr.  Yes, there are more, but for now these are the ones I’m involved with.

Reasons why Pittsburgh Photographers need to be involved in social media marketing

Cost – All it cost to do Social Media marketing is a little time, a camera and a smart phone or computer, all of which you already have plenty of…  So, to you, social media is totally free.  You already take pictures, right?  Just post them and someone out there will be interested. I guarantee it!

SEO – Did you happen to know that the term “Pittsburgh Photographers” is the most searched for keyword phrase related to the industry in this area?  And that may have just a little to do with the table of this blog post.  If you know your way around SEO, you can use your blog post to dominate your target keywords, which in time will bring you additional photography assignments.  This is probably the biggest reason to be involved with social media marketing.

Number of contacts – On several occasions, I’ve heard it said that in order to attract a new client, we need to make contact with the seven times.  With social media that’s easy.  We can Blog once a week and post images to Instagram almost daily.  And we an make a post now and then to Facebook or Linked in, want wha-la.  :o)

Right place at right time – One thing I know from experience, that there is nothing like being at the right place at the right time.  And with social media, it’s quite possible that your post will arrive on a client’s computer at the same time as a job lands on her desk.  It happens more times than you think…

Appearances – If you’re an old fart, like some of my friends, it’s always a good idea to keep up on new things, if nothing else, but for the appearance to being “with it” or “hip” or “cool” or whatever the phrase is now.

Don’t get me wrong.  There’s a lot more to marketing for Pittsburgh Photographers other than social media marketing, but for the money, you just can’t go wrong.  It’s cheap, easy and kinda fun. (just like me :o)

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