Headshot for Pittsburgh Actor Kerragan Kurtz

Headshot for Pittsburgh Actor Kerragan Kurtz

Headshot of Pittsburgh actor Kerragan Kurtz

I recently had the pleasure of photographing local Pittsburgh Actor, Kerragan Kurtz. I’ve been trying to shoot more headshots, not only because I’ve been more and more involved in the local film community, but because it’s visually interesting to me.  I’ve been trying to develop my own “style”.  It’s difficult to communicate something visual, with words, but if I had to try to explain my style, I’d have to say that when people look at the headshot, their first comment would be “beautiful lighting”.  From here on out, I’m going to try to create gorgeous lighting, on all my headshots. Sure, the composition is important, the expression is important, but what’s going to differentiate my headshots, will be the lighting.

Come back from time to time to see how I’m doing…

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