Social Media Headshots


Social Media Headshots

I’ve been getting more and more calls to photograph people, not only for various marketing materials, but also for social media.  Individuals and businesses are realizing how important it is to have a quality headshot to represent them.

The key to a good social media headshot is to have the subject with a pleasant expression, in an environment that makes sense to the viewer.  For example, if the headshot will appear on LinkedIn, the setting should be of a business environment.  The same headshot can be used for other social media platforms of course, but a business only site should probably illustrate a business setting.

Also, the headshot’s setting should not distract from the subject.  The subject should “stand out” and the background should support, and not compete with the individual.

If you’re interested in getting a professional social media headshot, please give me a call and we can talk about your needs.

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