Pittsburgh Photo Assistant Directory
Welcome to the Pittsburgh Photo Assistant Directory. This page is meant to be a resource for Pittsburgh Commercial Photographers and also for photographers coming to Pittsburgh that may need the services of a photo assistant.
This list will be ever changing. Photo assistants come and go in the photography industry, so you’ll need to bookmark this and come pack when you need to.

Here’s a photo of photographer and photo assistant Michael Reed, shortly after unloading a truck full of ice cream. Photo assisting often requires long hours and heavy lifting.
What is a photo assistant?
Many Commercial Photography businesses and companies that have photography departments, depend on freelance photo assistants to supplement their workforce. Rather than have a staff of photographers or assistants, companies choose to hire freelancers so that they can avoid unnecessary payroll and employee related tax issues. The creates a need to freelance photo assistants.
A photo assistant is someone that helps out on photo shoots. They may be asked to help move and set up camera and lighting equipment, run to the store for any needed items, run out for the crew lunch, or pretty much anything needed to complete the photo assignment. Their job is to help the photographer with whatever needs to be done.
The sign of a GREAT photo assistant is his or her ability to anticipate the needs of the photographer or client and offer that help just as the need arises.
Who Usually becomes a Photography Assistant?
Being a freelance photo assistant is a GREAT way to learn about commercial Photography. In fact, in my opinion, there is no better way. It’s better than photography school and instead of the student paying the school, the photographer pays the student.
Most photo assistants do not make assisting their life’s career but use it as a stepping stone on their way to becoming a professional photographer themselves. There are exceptions. The pay scare of a freelance assistant photographer is quite good, ranging from $100.00 per day up to $300.00 per day. This enables the assistant to make a good wage and to build up the necessary equipment stockpile needed to break into a career in commercial photography.
Besides being an assistant, most photo assistants also have their own clients and photo shoots. Just because a photo assistant assists, doesn’t mean she can’t also shoot when she’s not assisting. And if the assistant forms a good relationship with her clients, she may be able to borrow equipment or studio space from the photographers she works for. So besides being a good training ground, being a photo assistant is a good way to make contacts in the industry and may prove useful down the line.
Photo assisting is not an easy job.
Photo assisting can be hard work. It often requires long days and heavy lifting. The assistant needs to be at the studio or on location long before the client arrives and is usually one of the last to leave the shoot. Even though photography equipment seems to be getting lighter as technology improves, there is still lots of heavy cases and lighting equi[pment to be moved and it’s usually the assistant’s job to be the mover. If you’d like to learn more about the relponsibilities of a freelanc photo assistant, here is a place to start.
Photography Assistants in Pittsburgh
Here is a list of Pittsburgh’s Photography assistants. The list is incomplete because there are always new people entering the market, but hopefully this list will grow in time.
- Alex Jones – (412)951-355
- Michael Reed -(412)201-5205
- Timothy Cox – (412)228-2671
- Eddie Labuda – (412) 559-0120
- Kristi Jan Hoover – 814-241-8670
- Travis Mitzel – (412) 294-7791
- Kristian Thacker – (304) 261-7296
- Samantha Price – 717-805-5008
- Yevgeniy Shrayber – 415.216.8720
- ASMP National Photo Assistant Directory

Freelance photo assisting is a great way for the novice commercial photographer to learn about the industry. There are things you will learn being an assistant that you would never learn in any photography school.
Are you a photo assistant and would you like to be listed on the Pittsburgh Photo Assistant Directory?
If you’re a freelance photo assistant and would like to be listed on the Pittsburgh Photo Assistant Directory, please drop me an email and I’ll add you to the list.
If you’re interested in additional resources for Commercial Photographers in the Pittsburgh PA area, please visit the Commercial Photographer’s Resource page.